How to create high performing landing pages using WordPress

Following these 10 tips and tricks, you should be able to create, measure and improve landing pages through WordPress – key assets to your marketing abilities.

An interface allowing a user to build a landing page

All marketers know the power of a high performing landing page.

Essential to not only showcase content effectively to users, it’s an integral tool to capture information and tailor future notifications to engaged web visitors.  

Adopting WordPress to build out landing pages can be one easy route to successful lead generation, as one of the most popular and user-friendly platforms out there. Here is an essential 10-point checklist to craft industry-best landing pages using the platform. 

1. Define your landing page’s purpose: The landing page is a handy tool, but only when you have carefully thought-out what action you would like users to take when they arrive. Do they need to fill out a form? Can they access related content? By building the page accordingly, it should not be challenging for visitors to know exactly what you’re asking them to do.  

2. Optimise for SEO: Keywords are the cornerstone for an SEO friendly page. Inserting them throughout your headlines, subheadings and body copy will allow search engine robots to easily identify where people should end up when searching for those specific phrases and topics – your landing page.  

3. Use striking visuals: As with all site instances, the landing pages should be attention-grabbing and visually appealing to make customers interact with its content. Sleek images, or engaging videos can quickly draw in the audience’s eye. 

4. Keep things simple: Less is always more! Overloading landing pages with too much information makes content tougher to read, understand, or want to revisit. Keep the design clean and uncluttered for maximum appeal.  

5. Focus on one call-to-action: Simplify the user journey by providing just one call-to-action. Imagine multiple buttons in one place: you wouldn’t know where to start! Multiple options which could instead lead visitors away from your landing page before engaging with buttons or links. 

6. Make use of white space: Using white space is a great design trick to make sure readers focus on the key messages. Giving enough space between elements also declutters the page, adding value to individual content pieces. 

7. Use concise text: The copy should be succinct and to the point. Readers only want to grasp what action the website is asking from them, as quickly as possible. Words upon words will turn them away from your landing page’s desired outcome.  

8. Include social proof: Showcasing the value, trust and reliability of your product is key to converting site visitors. There are multiple simple ways to do this: adding customer reviews, testimonials, or logos for instance. 

9. Ensure its mobile friendly: More people are used to browsing through web pages and applications on their smartphones, where landing pages are particularly handy to deliver content to their fingertips. Making them mobile responsive doesn’t comprise their appealing look and draw to their calls to action, no matter what channel users like to surf with most. 

10. Test regularly: Keep testing different variations of your landing page design and content. It should help to measure what performs best in regards to conversion rates. From there, it should enable you to constantly reimagine landing pages to gleam the best possible results.  

Through following these 10 tips and tricks, you should be able to create, measure and improve landing pages through WordPress that’ll become a key asset to your marketing abilities. To find out more about landing page optimisation, speak with our team today! 
