bring your companY TOGETHER
Website hosting has never been easier
SiteBox is built to support and streamline the development process from idea to launch, with multiple tools for all team members.
Reduced time to market
From day one, SiteBox set out to reduce time-to-market, offering tools to speed up the design, development and launch phases.
Release-based deployments
Built-in git integration allows you to deploy changes in batches (including isolated features or sprint results), syncing deployment flow with agile releases to improve efficiency.
Automated scalability
Each WordPress instance runs within a powerful cluster, handling unexpected traffic spikes by temporarily assigning additional infrastructure resources.
Improved collaboration
Easily control who can access WordPress instances or SiteBox Dashboard projects through granular control lists, or use global invites for in-house or external collaborators.
Manage at scale
The SiteBox Dashboard is a central place to manage all WordPress instances, from the development phase through to real-time use.
Build, manage and maintain websites adjusted to the needs of your modern agency.
Agile-ready hosting
Git integration
Track changes effectively between systems with included git integration.
Conduct batch changes to push them through as release deployments.
Easy edits
Deploy, promote or roll-back changes using flexible environments.
QA on the fly
Test features consistently without affecting the live website.
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